Thank you to everyone who auditioned for DROP DEAD! This was by far one of the hardest shows to cast!
If you were cast, please email [email protected] by the end of the day on Sunday, September 3 to accept or decline your role. If you were not cast, please consider coming in to get your audition feedback. This is how you grow as a performer. Tech crew applications are open until the end of the day on Wednesday, September 6th. Consider getting involved! CAST: Chaz Looney/Drools………………………………...……Tom Curd Candy Apples/Penelope…………………………..……Brooke Singleton Brent Reynolds/Alexander……………………………Nathan Spolter Dick Scorsese/Inspector………………………..………Tanner Linn Mona Monet/Bette………………………………....…….Olivia Graser Victor Le Pewe………………………………….......………Evan Pagan P.G. “Piggy” Banks……………………………......………Myles Zintl Phillip………………………………………………..........……Mason Potter Constance Crawford/Lady Barrington…………Liliana Martinez Alabama Miller……………………………........…………..Ro Fisk
Drop Dead Callbacks
Thank you to everyone who came out to audition today. We were so impressed with the level of performance that you brought today. We would like for the following people to attend a callback on Friday, September 1st at 3:30pm. The callback will consist of cold reads from the script in group settings. Please be prepared to stay the entire time, but you will be released once the creative team has seen enough. Curd, Tom Fisk, Ro Friedman, Ava Graser, Olivia Linn, Tanner Martin, Nikki Martinez, Lily Medel, Jax Montana, Laila Rain Pagan, Evan Perz, Chloe Potter, Mason Ruiz, Izzy Singleton, Bria Singleton, Brooke Smith, Aubrey Spolter, Nathan Valenzuela, Ali Weddle, Emma Zintl, Myles Thank you for coming to tryouts! The following people have made it to ROUND 2!
Please go to Mr. Barker's room (276-third floor) at lunch on Thursday. The first practice will be on Tuesday, September 5th and will then move to Mondays. Nicholas Allen AJ Buechler Spencer Bystrom Ella Cox Tom Curd Ro Fisk Kassidy Fox Konner Fox Ava Friedman Timm Junge Trent Massey Laila Rain Montana Evan Pagan Audrey Romo Isabella Ruiz Brooke Singleton Destry Smith Matilda Tsim David Wilson Myles Zintl Thank you all for auditioning. This was an INCREDIBLY hard show to cast. You were all fantastic.
If you are on the cast list, please email Mrs. C at [email protected] to accept or decline your role. Please do this sometime this evening so we may announce it on social media. There is a read-through and measurements rehearsal tomorrow, Friday, June 2nd from 3:30-5:30. Please bring water and a pencil. Cast List: 11………………….Olivia Graser 25………………….Addie Schumacher 13………………….Aubrey Smith 46………………….Bria Singleton 2……………………Ava Friedman 7…………………..Ali Valenzuela 14………………..Brooke Singleton 8…………………..Isabella White 00…………………Chloe Perz Soccer Mom…….Eve Pistulka The Wolves
Callbacks Thank you all for auditioning. It’s hard to put yourselves out there, and you all did a fantastic job. Please see Mrs. C for audition feedback. It’s a super important part of the process. Callbacks will be on Thursday, June 1st right after school in the Black Box. We will be doing cold reads from the script. You should all have access to the script on Google Classroom, so be familiar with the characters you are called back for. 11- Eve Pistulka, Ali Valenzuela, Rhiannon Carlson, Eva Parhami, Brooke Singleton, Addie Schumacher, Olivia Graser 25- Chloe Perz, Eva Parhami, Brooke Singleton, Addie Schumacher, Bria Singleton 13- Eve Pistulka, Ali Valenzuela, Brooke Singleton, Aubrey Smith, Izzy White, Olivia Graser 46- Ava Friedman, Jenny Woo, Lily Martinez, Bria Singleton 2- Ava Friedman, Izzy White, Jenny Woo 7- Chloe Perz, Ali Valenzuela, Rhiannon Carlson, Addie Schumacher, Aubrey Smith, Olivia Graser 14- Ava Friedman, Eve Pistulka, Brooke Singleton, Aubrey Smith 8- Jenny Woo, Lily Martinez, Izzy White 00- Chloe Perz, Rhiannon Carlson, Eva Parhami, Addie Schumacher, Bria Singleton Thank you to everyone who auditioned. We are so excited for what next year is going to bring!
For Advanced Drama, there will be a MANDATORY lunch meeting on Wednesday, May 17th, so mark your calendars, grab your lunch, and get to the Black Box at the beginning of lunch! If anyone would like their audition notes/feedback, please talk to Mrs. C. Advanced Drama Athy, Leo Curd, Tom Fisk, Ro Fitzgerald, Emily Friedman, Ava Graser, Olivia Linn, Tanner June, Dimitri Martin, Nikki Medel, Jax Merrifield, Breana Moore, Sela Morin, Sean Pagan, Evan Parhami, Eva Perz, Chloe Pistulka, Eve Potter, Mason Reyes, Jonathan Ruiz, Isabella Schumacher, Addy Singleton, Bria Singleton, Brooke Smith, Aubrey Spolter, Nathan Sumner, Sam Valenzuela, Ali Weddle, Emma White, Isabella Zintl, Myles Intermediate Drama Aho, Olivia Buechler, Isabella Boswell, Keira Brejtfus, Troj Carlson, Rhiannon Castaneda, Daniyella Cox, Ella Davis, Elle Edwards, Aidan Engel, Karli Fan, Jaida Fish, Maxx Garcia, Jaelanna Gonzalez, Corrine Gray, Jenna Gritchen, Emily Gunnison, Annan Gwizdak, Ollie Huh, Candice Legere, Caroline Martinez, Lily Medina, Chloe Miner, RJ Montana, Raine Murphy, Ty Predolin, Elena Robinson, Elijah Rost, Kaelynn Scoggin, Cailyn Solano, Maddy Smith, Aniyah Tsim, Matilda Urquiza, Sarah Woo, Jenny Yates, Raina Thank you to everyone who auditioned for Freaky Friday. We are so proud of your courage, your talent, and your willingness to share you time with us. If you were not cast, please consider seeing Mrs. C for notes on your audition.
Cast members should email Mrs. C. ASAP to either accept or decline your role so we may do our formal social media announcement. Email at: [email protected] Full cast read through and meeting will be on Monday, November 28th at 4-6:15pm. An email will be sent out this weekend with more information. Crew applications are available through December 1st. Freaky Friday Cast List: Ellie: Leo Athy Katherine: Elle Davis Fletcher: Evan Revell Mike: Nathan Spolter Gretchen: Aubrey Smith Hannah: Ava Friedman Adam: Evan Pagan Savannah: Brooke Singleton Parker: Jax Medel Wells/Louis: Landon Small Torrey/Adam’s Mom: Ro Fisk Grandma/Mrs. Time: Sophie Littig Grandpa/Mr. Blumen/Senor O’Brien/ Parker’s Dad: Myles Zintl Ms.Meyers/ Officer Sitz: Cailyn Scoggins Danielle/Savannah’s Mom/Teacher: Ali Valenzuela Dr. Ehrin/ Pastor Bruno/ Officer Kowalski: Sarah Urquiza Cater Waiter/Laurel/Student/Guest: Jaelanna Garcia Fish Vendor/Security Guard/Student/Guest: Nikki Martin Florist/Gretchen’s Mom/ Student/ Guest: Rhiannon Carlson Mrs. Luckinbill/Teacher/Guest: Addie Schumacher Wells’ Dad/ Student/ Guest: Sean Morin Thank you to everyone who auditioned and brought us your courage, time, and talent. Please know that casting is really hard, and you’re all rock stars for coming out to auditions. Also, just because you don’t get a callback doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not getting a role. We often don’t need to see EVERYONE. Please consider coming to speak to Mrs. C to get your audition notes. This is how you grow as a performer and learn things to work on for the next show.
And please! Get involved! This show has a lot of moving parts, and there are a lot of crew jobs to fill! Callbacks will begin at 3:45 on Thursday, November 16th in the Drama Room. Please make sure to ask for clarification on what you need to prepare, and don’t stress! We know it’s a quick turn around for callbacks. You will be able to use lyric sheets for music. Most people will be asked to cold read scene from the script, which will be given to you at callbacks. Below are pieces of music we would like for people to sing for us. We will have music available for you to use, but be as familiar with these pieces as possible. _________________ Rhiannon Carlson Dani Castaneda Ava Friedman Nikki Martin Lily Martinez Aubrey Smith Keeva Spilker Please prepare the section from “Watch Your Back” Link: Start at 0:55 to 1:13 _____________________ Leo Athy Ali Valenzuea Please prepare the section from “No More Fear” Link: Start at 2:03 to the end. _____________________ Elle Davis Sophie Littig Please prepare the section from “Parents Lie” Link: Start at 1:22-the end __________________ Addie Schumacher Cailyn Scoggins Please prepare the section from “Watch Your Back” Link: Start at the top and go to 0:55 _______________ Evan Pagan Landon Small Please prepare the section from “Women and Sandwiches” Link: Start at the top and go to 0:53 ____________________ Ro Fisk Jaelanna Garcia Ali Valenzuela Please prepare the section from “I’m Not Myself Today” Link: Start from 1:48 and end at 2:13 __________________________ Addie Schumacher Brooke Singleton Please prepare the section from “I Got This” Link: Start at 3:44- 4:08 (roughly) ______________________ Nathan Spolter Myles Zintl Please prepare the section from “Vows” Link: Start at the beginning to 0:44 Thank you to everyone who auditioned. The auditions this year were SO strong, and you all made it very hard to cast this show.
Please consider coming by and getting feedback notes from Mrs. C. If you are on the cast and crew, we have a mandatory meeting on Monday, August 29th at 3:45. It will go until 5pm at the latest. Over this weekend, please email [email protected] to accept or decline your role/crew position. CAST Fern Arable........................................................Keeva Spilker John Arable...........................................................Landon Small Martha Arable......................................................Ali Valenzuela Avery Arable........................................................Nathan Spolter Homer Zuckerman................................................Myles Zintl Edith Zuckerman..................................................Grace DeJongh Lurvy.....................................................................Jack Hardwick Wilbur....................................................................Tanner Linn Charlotte................................................................Sophie Littig Templeton...............................................................Evan Pagan Goose....................................................................Izzy Ruiz Gander..................................................................Dimitri June Sheep..................................................................Chloe Perz Lamb....................................................................Addie Schumacher Ensemble 1 (Member 1, Judge 1, Fairgoer 1)......Leo Athy Ensemble 2 (Member 2, Judge 2, Fairgoer 2)......Ava Friedman Ensemble 3 (Member 3, Judge 3, Fairgoer 3)......Alexander Brown Ensemble 4 (Reporter, Spectator 1, Spider 1).....Sean Morin Ensemble 5 (Photographer, Spectator 2, Spider 2).....Emma Weddle Ensemble 6 (Uncle, Announcer, Spider 3)...................Jax Medel CREW Sound Crew: -Bryant Burns (A2) -Nikki Martin (A2) -Hannah Vail (SBO) Costume Crew: -MJ Canning -Ivanka Torres Hair/Makeup Crew: -Maxx Fish -Jaelanna Garcia -Raine Montana Props Crew: -Kacey Chu -Phoebe Grimshaw Scenic Build/Paint Crew: -Bo Chafe -Robin Colley -Elle Davis -Roman Gomez -Annabelle Lee -Finneas Minton -Kaelynn Rost -Cailyn Scoggin Show Run Crew: -Daniyella Castaneda -Aidan Edwards -Jaida Fan -Rosie Soto -Sam Sumner Thank you to everyone who auditioned for Charlotte's Web. We were VERY impressed by what we saw in the audition room today.
We would like to invite the following students back for callbacks on Friday, August 26th. Callbacks will consist of cold reads from the script, as well as improv to look at character physicality. Callbacks will start at 3:45pm. Please sign in with the Stage Management team upon arrival. Sabrina Aiad Leo Athy Alexander Brown Grace DeJongh Ava Friedman Jack Hardwick Dimitri June Tanner Linn Sophie Littig Jax Medel Sean Morin Evan Pagan Chloe Perz Izzy Ruiz Addie Schumacher Landon Small Aubrey Smith Keeva Spilker Nathan Spolter Sarah Urquiza Ali Valenzuela Emma Weddle Myles Zintl |
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