CETA is open to any Los Al Drama student who would like to attend. Cast of the Fall Mainstage Play are REQUIRED to attend.
DATE: January 14-16, 2022
Each year between October and December, the California Educational Theatre Association adjudicates Fall productions throughout the Southern California Region. The top high school productions are presented at our CETA Southern High School Theatre Festival during the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend.
This is ONLY for plays, and our Fall Mainstage play will be submitted for adjudication..
The weekend offers a variety of opportunities including workshops led by professionals in the industry encouraging artistic growth for high school students and their teachers. The three-day Festival showcases four MainStage plays selected from four regions of Southern California: Los Angeles, Orange County, the Inland Empire, and San Diego County. Additionally, eight schools are selected to perform 10-minute scenes from their productions for the Festival's SceneFest. The CETA Southern High School Theatre Festival is open to all high schools across the state of California.
-SceneWorks Competition adjudicated- a ten-minute piece will be presented for adjudication
-Senior Acting Scholarship Auditions
-Future Theatre Educator Scholarship.
-Senior Technical Theatre Scholarships
-Workshops with Industry Professionals
-Honorariums for CA Youth in Theatre Day
-Film Festival- submit your original 5-minute movie for adjudication.