Thank you to EVERYONE who auditioned! Casting two shows simultaneously was not easy, and we are go grateful to everyone for coming out to audition.
If you are cast in either show, you will also be receiving an email with further instructions. Please read the email carefully. Please consider asking for your audition feedback next week. It's how you can prepare for the next auditions. SHE KILLS MONSTERS CAST Agnes- Brooke Singleton Tilly- Bria Singleton Chuck- Myles Zintl Miles- Tanner Linn Kaliope/Kelly- Aubrey Smith Lilith/Lilly- Ava Friedman Vera, The Beholder- Aniyah Smith Narrator, Farrah the Faerie- Ali Valenzuela Steve- Nathan Spolter Orcus/Ronnie- Mason Potter Evil Gabbi/Gabbi- Isabella Ruiz Evil Tina/Tina- Emma Weddle NUNSENSE CAST Revered Mother………………………………..Sarah Urquiza Sister Mary Hubert…………………………….Ella Cox Sister Robert Anne……………………………Leo Athy Sister Mary Amnesia………………………….Laila Raine Montana Sister Mary Leo……………………………….Matilda Tsim Father Virgil……………………………………Ethan Junge Sister Julia……………………………………Ro Fisk Sister Wilhelm………………………………..Nikki Martin Sister Mary Brendan……………………….Chloe Medina Sister Mary Luke…………………………….Elle Davis
Thank you to everyone who auditioned yesterday and today. For callbacks, we are asking you to sing and read sides from the script. The reading will be cold reads and sides will be given at the callbacks.
Below is the chart for callback singing. If your name is below, please prepare the section for the part indicated for you. Athy, Leo Carlson, Rhiannon Cox, Ella Davis, Elle Fisk, Ro Friedman, Ava Junge, Ethan (reading only-no singing) Martin, Nikki Medina, Chloe Montana, Laila Raine Pistulka, Eve Tsim, Matilda Urquiza, Sarah Van Bourgondien, Zeo Cast Recording (YouTube): Cast Recording (Spotify): You’ll be singing to the tracks from this website: In the middle section is a “Listen” area” Spotify has the lyrics. Otherwise, you need to Google the lyrics for each part. You are totally free to print them out and use the lyrics at the callback. Thank you to everyone who auditioned today. For callbacks, we will have cold reads from the script. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with the script (which can be found on Google Classroom). If you did not receive a callback, please consider getting audition feedback next week.
Callbacks will begin at 3:45pm in the Black Box on Friday, October 27th. Burke, Joe Fisk, Ro Friedman, Ava Gill, Arjan Gritchen, Emily Johnson, Ariyah June, Dimitri Linn, Tanner Martinez, Lily Medel, Jax Medina, Chloe Morin, Sean Pagan, Evan Pistulka, Eve Potter, Mason Predolin, Elena Ruiz, Isabella Singleton, Bria Singleton, Brooke Smith, Aniyah Smith, Aubrey Spolter, Nathan Tsim, Matilda Valenzuela, Ali Weddle, Emma Woo, Jenny Zintl, Myles |
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