In November, students in the Los Al Drama Department participated in a school Shakespeare competition, presenting a 20-line monologue and a Shakespeare sonnet, judged by Mr. Bone, Mr. Hooper, Mrs. Franzen, and Mrs. Armstrong.
The results of the competition were: 1st place: Melamie Tanaka 2nd place: Chloe Lim 3rd place: Jaq McKay All three placers performed their pieces as part of "Evening with the Bard" in November on the Mainstage. On Saturday, February 25th, Melanie Tanaka represented Los Al in the CA semi-finals of the English-Speaking Union National Shakespeare Festival in Los Angeles. Melanie presented a monologue from A Midsummer Night's Dream, and a sonnet, and did a fantastic job. Congratulations, Melanie!
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January 2024
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